bus Flota Sugamuxi colombia

Flota Sugamuxi

Flota Sugamuxi SA is a company with more than 55 years of experience in land transportation of passengers, cargo and parcels. Flota Sugamuxi was born in Sogamoso, province of Sugamuxi, in the department of Boyacá and is associated with the company  Autoboy SA and Coflonorte Ltda. Together they make up the Los Libertadores transport group.

Contacto de Flota Sugamuxi S.A

Website: www.flotasugamuxisa.com.co

Address: Cra 12 No.47-85 – Sogamoso Boyacá Colombia –
Telephone: (098)7702440 – (098)7702197 – Fax: (098)7703827

Schedules and tickets of Flota Sugamuxi

Bogota to Yopal00:30 – 03:00 – 05:00 – 06:00 – 10:00 – 15:00 – 19:00 – 21:00 – 22:00 – 23:009 hours$50,000
Sogamoso to Bogota10:00 11:50 16:05 17:404 hours$25,000
Santa Marta to Bogota16:1517 hours$160,000
Arauca to Bucaramanga04:00 14:30 16 hours$75,000

Flota Sugamuxi agencies and telephone numbers

Terminal Sogamoso: 3143594518
Terminal Bogotá: 3143594453
Terminal Tunja: 3143594475
Terminal Yopal: 3115615657
Terminal Villavicencio: 3124579829
Terminal Arauca: 3102074371
Terminal Saravena: 3107932712
Terminal Duitama: 3208528320
Terminal Santa Marta: (311) 457 1167