Buses from Neiva to Honda

The distance between Neiva and Honda in the department of Tolima is 327 km and the estimated travel time by bus is approximately 6 hours. The trip by land between Neiva to Honda may have a longer delay depending on the bus stops on the route and the traffic conditions.


Distance327 km
average trip duration6 hours
first bus00:00 a.m. 
last bus11:00 p.m. 
output frequency15 to 20 departures a day approx.
Lowest price$70,000
Highest price$90,000
CompaniesFlota Huila, Coomotor

Tickets, schedules and prices from Neiva to Honda

Coomotor00:00 19:00 21:45 23:00Neiva TerminalNavette, Navette G7, Navette XLFrom $70,000
Flota Huila03:50 04:50 05:50 06:50 07:50 08:50 09:50 10:50 11:50 12:50 13:50 14:50 15:50Neiva TerminalKia, Bus, PreferentialFrom $90,000

Departure times may change depending on the day of the week and season of the year. Ticket prices generally have an increase in high season and holidays. In some companies if you buy your ticket in advance you can find it at a cheaper price.

Departure times and terminals

Schedules from Neiva to Honda

  • First departure: 00:00 hrs. by Coomotor
  • Last departure: 23:00 hrs. by Coomotor 

Map of the route from Neiva to Honda

Are you traveling from Neiva to Honda?

Here you will be able to know all the information for the bus trip from Neiva to Honda, check and compare the companies, tickets, schedules and ticket prices that make this route.

Buy your tickets for the route from Neiva to Honda in advance and online since you will get the cheapest ticket and you will have the security of booking your ticket at the time you want. You can also avoid making long lines to buy your ticket from Neiva to Honda at the terminal.