The distance between Sincelejo and El Carmen de Bolivar is 69.6 km and the estimated travel time by bus is approximately 2 hours. The trip by land between Sincelejo and El Carmen de Bolivar can vary depending on the bus stops on the route and the traffic conditions.
Distance | 69 km |
average trip duration | 2 hours |
first bus | 02:00 a.m. |
last bus | 11:45 p.m. |
output frequency | 20 to 25 a day |
Lowest price | $15,000 |
Highest price | $20,000 |
Companies | Torcoroma, Rapido Ochoa |
Tickets and prices from Sincelejo to El Carmen de Bolivar
Know and compare the schedules, prices and companies that make this route by bus
Business | Schedules | Departure | Services | Price |
Rapido Ochoa | 02:00 04:00 06:00 06:15 08:30 20:00 23:45 | Terminal of Sincelejo | Golden King the Ultimate | From $15,000 |
Torcoroma | 05:00 05:30 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 14:00 15:00 19:30 | Terminal of Sincelejo | Normal | From $20,000 |
Schedules and prices may have variations depending on the day and availability of tickets, generally in high season the rates increase by up to 15%.
Origin and destination terminals
- Place of Departure: Sincelejo Terminal
- Place of arrival: Terminal of El Carmen de Bolivar
Schedules from Sincelejo to El Carmen de Bolivar
- The first departure is at 02:00 hrs. by Rapido Ochoa
- The last departure is at 23:45 hrs. by Rapido Ochoa
The route from Sincelejo to El Carmen de Bolivar is covered by Rapido Ochoa and Torcoroma. The services of each bus company vary according to the distance
Map of the bus route from Sincelejo to El Carmen de Bolivar
Are you traveling from Sincelejo to El Carmen de Bolivar by bus?
At we want to offer you the information of all the bus companies that make the trip from Sincelejo to El Carmen de Bolivar, in addition to the schedules and ticket rates which may vary especially during the summer season and holidays. Make sure you buy the bus ticket online with the companies that make the trip between La Sincelejo and El Carmen de Bolivar.