The distance between Bogotá and Sahagún in the department of Córdoba is 807 km and the estimated travel time by bus is approximately 16 hours. The trip by land between Bogotá and Sahagún may vary depending on the bus stops on the route and the traffic conditions.
Distance | 807km |
average trip duration | 16 hours |
first bus | 10:20 a.m. |
last bus | 9:00 p.m. |
output frequency | 4 departures a day approx. |
Lowest price | $143,000 |
Highest price | $144,000 |
Companies | Rapido Ochoa, Expreso Brasilia |
Bus tickets and prices from Bogota to Sahagun
Business | Schedules | Exit | Services | Price |
Expreso Brasilia | 12:30 13:30 16:30 21:00 | Bogota Salitre Terminal | Premium, Preferred Luxury | From $143,000 |
Rapido Ochoa | 10:20 | Bogota Salitre Terminal | Rey Dorado lo Máximo | From $144,000 |
The schedules and prices may have variations depending on the day and availability, we suggest confirming with the following transport companies that carry out the route: Expreso Brasilia
Bus schedules from Bogota to Sahagun
- The first departure is at 10:20 a.m. by Rápido Ochoa.
- The last departure time is at 9:00 p.m. by the Expreso Brasilia.
Origin and destination terminals
- Place of Departure: Bogota Salitre Terminal
- Place of arrival: Sahagun Bus Terminal
Map of the bus route from Bogotá to Sahagún
How much does the bus ticket from Bogotá to Sahagún cost?
The value of the bus ticket is from $143,000 for the Expreso Brasilia company to $144,000 for Rapido Ochoa.