terminal salitre de bogota

Bogotá Salitre Bus Terminal

The Bogotá Transport Terminal is the company that manages the bus and taxi service in Bogotá. It is located to the west of the city, near Ciudad Salitre and is the point from where all the transportation of national bus routes and destinations in South America departs and arrives.

Since 2008, the Terminal Satélite del Sur has been operating, located in the town of Bosa; on the Autopista Sur with Avenida Bosa, the vehicles that cover the routes of the southern corridor of the country pass through this Terminal and since 2017 the Terminal del Norte de Bogotá has been in operation.

Telephones of Companies that operate in the Terminal Salitre Bogotá

Auto Fusa 416-3213 – 416-3224
Berlinas Del Fonce S.A. (1)7435050 – Ext. 1415-141
Coflonorte Los Libertadores 3144420757
Taxis Verdes 411-1152
Continental Bus 5714249090 ext. 504
Coomotor 4287649/67 – Cel: 317 639 4268
Coomotor Florencia 435-8935
Coonorte (1) 263 81 84
Coopetran (1) 429 5747 – 263 4823
Cootranshuila 875-9048 875-6365
Empresa Arauca 884-7081 – 884-8429
Expreso Bolivariano 5714249090
Expreso Brasilia 263 0726
Expreso Palmira (57) (1) 2952063 – Cel: 3147909071
Flota La Macarena 57 1 4212256
Flota Magdalena 57 1 4297118
Omega buses (7)6374111 Cel: 3203338615
Rápido Ochoa 745 2681 – Cel: 3113839237
Transporte Autoboy 263-5543 ext 109
Velotax 57(1) 429 6984 – 57(1) 428 7629

Contact Information and Location of Terminal Central Salitre Bogotá

From here buses and taxis depart to all destinations in the Colombian geography of the west and north of the country. The Terminal is divided into five modules:

  • Yellow (1): Routes to the south of the country.
  • Blue (2): Routes to the east and west of the country.
  • Red (3): Routes to the north of the country and throughout South America
  • Green (4): Intermunicipal and interdepartmental taxi service.
  • Purple (5): Arrival of passengers and boarding of taxis and urban service buses.

Website: www.terminaldetransporte.gov.co/
Facebook:  www.facebook.com/terminalBogota
Twitter: @terminalBogota

Where is Terminal de Bogotá Salitre located?

Frequent routes from the Bogotá Salitre Terminal

RouteFirst DepartureLast Departure
Bogota to Santa Marta12:30 hrs.23:30 hrs.
Bogota to Riohacha08:00 hrs.16:15 hrs.
Bogota to Cali00:00 hrs.23:00 hrs.