The distance between Montería and Facatativá in the department of Cundinamarca is 776 km and the estimated travel time by bus is approximately 15 hours. The trip by land between Montería and Facatativá can vary depending on the bus stops on the route and the traffic conditions.
Distance | 776 Km. |
average trip duration | 15 hours |
first bus | 07:30 hrs. |
Last bus | 20:00 hrs. |
output frequency | 5 a day |
Lowest price | $152,000 |
Highest price | $152,000 |
Companies | Expreso Brasilia |
Are you traveling from Montería to Facatativá?
The Montería to Facatativá route is carried out by Expreso Brasilia, here you can find all the information for the bus trip, Learn about and compare the schedules and ticket prices for this route.
Tickets and prices from Montería to Facatativá
Business | Schedules | Departure | Services | Price |
Expreso Brasilia | 07:30 13:30 14:15 18:00 20:00 | Monteria Terminal | Premium | From $152,000 |
Schedules and prices may have variations depending on the day and availability of tickets, generally in high season the rates increase by up to 15%.
Origin and destination terminals
- Place of Departure: Montería Terminal
- Place of arrival: Facatativá Terminal
Timetable from Montería to Facatativá
- First departure: 07:30 a.m.
- Last departure: 8:00 p.m.
Map of the bus route from Montería to Facatativá
Tips for the bus trip from Montería to Facatativá
Buy your tickets for the route from Montería to Facatativá in advance and online since you will get the cheapest ticket and you will have the security of booking your ticket at the time you want. You can also avoid making long lines to buy your ticket from Montería to Facatativá at the terminal.