cartagena de indias bus terminal colombia

Cartagena de Indias Bus Terminal

The Cartagena Terminal began its operations in 1994 with the aim of contributing to the development of Transportation in the city of Cartagena de Indias, for socio-urban purposes, control of transportation activity and tourism organization.

Located in the sector called Doña Manuela de Cartagena, on the right bank of the Cordialidad highway that leads from this city to Barranquilla. Since 2011, the Cartagena Transport Terminal has had the ISO 9001 quality certification.

Contact Information and Location of Cartagena de Indias Bus Terminal

Address: Local 102c, Carretera la Cordialidad #24-236, Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia
Telephone: +57 5 6630317

Telephones of the bus companies operating at the Cartagena Bus Terminal

Around 15 companies are those that operate from the Cartagena Transport Terminal, the telephone numbers of some of them are:

Berlinas del Bonce6631999, 6632134
Copetran6632058, 6632O45
Expreso Brasilia6632119, 6632099, 6632507
Rápido Ochoa6632356, 6632486
Unitransco6632067, 6632072

Services available at the Cartagena de Indias Terminal

  • Information post of the transport terminal and tourist information of the city of Cartagena
  • Hotel service, with comfortable rooms with air conditioning
  • Parcel service and toilets
  • Taxi and bus station 24 hours a day
  • Restaurants, cafeterias and waiting rooms
  • ATM and 24-hour security
  • Store Luggage or Trunk
  • Free WIFI in Modulo1 corridor