Pitalito Bus Terminal

The Pitalito Transport Terminal is the most important land transport terminal for passengers, cargo and parcels in the municipality of Pitalito, located in the south of the department of Huila. It has a modern and spacious building with modern VIP rooms, public parking, tourist information point, ATM, restaurants and shops, oratory, auditorium, bio-healthy gym.

The transport companies that communicate the city with other regions of the country are: Cootranslaboyana Ltd., Cootranshuila Ltd., CoomotorTaxis Verdes SA, Cootransmayo Ltd., Transipiales SA, Flota Huila, Expreso Bolivariano, Cootransgar Ltd., Sotracauca SA, Coomotorflorencia Ltd., Cootranscaqueta Ltd., El Pony Express Ltd., Cootransplateña Ltd., La Gaitana Express SA, Rapido Tolima SA, Cootransurp Ltd., Cootransgigante Ltd. and Aerotrans Ltd.

Contact information of Pitalito Bus Terminal

Website: www.terminalpitalito.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TerminaldeTrasportesPitalito/
Twitter: @tuterminalsa

Address: Carrera 4 No 31-15 of. 201, 57 Pitalito, Huila, Colombia
Telephone: 8350773 – Telefax 8363718

Pitalito Transportation Terminal Location