Do you need information about how to travel to or from Yarumal by bus?
Yarumal is a municipality in Colombia located in the northern subregion of the department of Antioquia. Its climate is cold due to its elevation above sea level (2,353 m). The municipality is also called the Altarpiece City, the Star of the North and the Sultana of the North.
Next you will be able to know the transport companies, schedules, tickets and buses with origin in Yarumal and with destination to Yarumal from other cities or municipalities in Colombia.
We suggest you contact the transport company to verify the information on schedules, routes and bus ticket values, since they can change depending on the season of the year.
Routes and bus tickets from Yarumal
From Yarumal you can travel to the following cities in Colombia:
Yarumal a Barranquilla
Yarumal to Cartagena
Yarumal to Corozal
Yarumal to MedellĂn
Yarumal to MonterĂa
Yarumal to Riohacha
How to get by bus to Yarumal
To get to Yarumal by bus you can do it in one of following bus routes:
Cartagena to Yarumal
Caucasia to YarumalÂ
Corozal to YarumalÂ
Coveñas to YarumalÂ
Honda to YarumalÂ
La Dorada to YarumalÂ
Lorica to Yarumal
MedellĂn to YarumalÂ
MonterĂa to YarumalÂ
San Onofre to YarumalÂ
Sincelejo to Yarumal