Buses from CĂșcuta to Cali

The distance between CĂșcuta and Cali in the department of Valle del Cauca is 951 km and the estimated time of the bus trip is approximately 24 hours. Here you can also check the information on bus tickets from Cali to CĂșcuta.


Distance951 Km.
average trip duration24 hours
first bus18:20 hrs. 
Last bus18:20 hrs. 
output frequency1 departure per day
Lowest price$210,000
Highest price$210,000
CompaniesExpreso Bolivariano

Tickets and prices from CĂșcuta to Cali

The companies that carry out this route are Expreso Bolivariano and Fronteras, however, they currently do not have direct services or online sales of this route. If you need to travel from CĂșcuta to Cali, we recommend you consult the contact details of Bolivariano or take the route CĂșcuta to Bucaramanga and then Bucaramanga to Cali.

Expreso Bolivariano18:20Cucuta Terminal2G GoldFrom $210,000

Bus schedules from CĂșcuta to Cali

  • The first departure is at 18:20 hrs. by Expreso Bolivariano
  • The last departure time is at 18:20 hrs. by Expreso Bolivariano

Map of the bus route from CĂșcuta to Cali

How much does the ticket from CĂșcuta to Cali cost?

The value of the cheapest bus ticket is $210,000 for Expreso Bolivariano.

You can buy the tickets for your trip from CĂșcuta to Cali at the ticket offices or agencies of the transport terminals and on the websites or call centers of each transport company that has this service enabled.