buses to el espinal tolima

Buses to El Espinal, Tolima

El Espinal is a Colombian municipality located in the department of Tolima, 153 km from Bogotá in a southwesterly direction, and 57.6 km from Ibagué, the departmental capital. It is the second most populous municipality in the department of Tolima and is known as the rice capital of the center of the country.

Bathed by the Magdalena and Coello rivers. The great part of the surface is flat, El Espinal is known for the manufacture of typical instruments, its gastronomy is famous for its tamales and suckling pig, which are the typical dishes of the region.

Routes and bus tickets from El Espinal

From El Espinal you can travel to the following cities in Colombia:

Espinal to Armenia 
Espinal to Bogotá
Espinal to Cali
Espinal to Florencia 
Espinal to Garzón 
Espinal to Gigante 
Espinal to Honda 
Espinal to Ibague 
Espinal to La Dorada
Espinal to La Plata 
Espinal to Neiva 
Espinal to Pereira
Espinal to Pitalito 
Espinal to San Agustín 
Espinal to Tulua

How to get to El Espinal by bus

To get to El Espinal by bus you can do it through these following routes:

Armenia to Espinal
Bogotá to Espinal
Cali to Espinal 
Honda to Espinal 
La Dorada to Espinal
La Plata to Espinal 
Medellín to Espinal 
Mocoa to Espinal 
Neiva to Espinal 
Pereira to Espinal 
Pitalito to Espinal 
Puerto Asís to Espinal 
Tulua to Espinal