The distance between Pasto and Bogotá is 838 km and the estimated time of the bus trip is approximately 22 hours. The trip by land between Pasto and Bogotá may vary depending on the bus stops along the route and the traffic conditions.
Here you can also check the information on bus tickets for the route from Bogotá to Pasto.
Distance | 838km |
average trip duration | 22 hours |
first bus | 12:00 p.m. |
last bus | 8:00 p.m. |
output frequency | 4 departures per day |
Lowest price | $125,000 |
Highest price | $175,000 |
Companies | Flota Magdalena, Fronteras Continental |
Tickets, schedules and prices from Pasto to Bogotá
Business | Schedules | Departure | Services | Price |
Fronteras Continental Bus | 17:00 | Pasto Bus Terminal | Technobus | From $125,000 |
Flota Magdalena | 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 20:00 | Pasto Bus Terminal | Premium | From $175,000 |
Departure times may change depending on the day of the week and season of the year. Ticket prices generally have an increase in high season and holidays. In some companies if you buy your ticket in advance you can find it at a cheaper price.
Schedules from Pasto to Bogota
- The first departure is at 10:00 hrs. by Flota Magdalena
- The last departure time is at 20:00 hrs. by Flota Magdalena
Origin and destination terminals
- Place of Departure: Pasto Terminal
- Place of arrival: Terminal Salitre de Bogotá
The services of each bus company vary according to the route, ticket price and schedule, therefore within the same route you can select the type of seat and service that best suits you.
Map of the bus route from Pasto to Bogotá
Tips for the bus trip from Pasto to Bogotá
Buy your tickets for the route from Pasto to Bogotá in advance and online since you will get the cheapest ticket and you will have the security of booking your ticket at the time you want. You can also avoid making long lines to buy your ticket from Pasto to Bogotá at the terminal.
How much does the ticket from Pasto to Bogotá cost?
The value of the cheapest bus ticket is $125,000 for Fronteras Continental Bus, and the highest price of the ticket is from the company Flota Magdalena at $175,000
How to buy tickets from Pasto to Bogotá?
You can buy the tickets for your trip from Pasto to Bogotá at the ticket offices or agencies of the transport terminals and on the websites or call centers of each transport company that has this service enabled.