Buses from Pereira to MedellĂ­n

The distance between Pereira and MedellĂ­n in the department of Antioquia is 214 km and the estimated time of the bus trip is approximately 5 hours. The trip by land between Pereira and MedellĂ­n can vary depending on the bus stops on the route and the state of the traffic.


Distance214 Km.
average trip duration5 hours
first bus00:45 hrs. 
Last bus23:45 hrs. 
output frequency30 departures a day approx.
Lowest price$70,000
Highest price$80,000
CompaniesFlota Occidental, Empresa Arauca, Flota Ospina

Tickets by bus from Pereira to Medellin

The passenger transport companies that sell tickets for the route from Pereira to Medellín are: Flota Occidental, Empresa Arauca and Flota Ospina. This route has an average duration of 5 hours and the departure frequencies are high, we can find transportation almost 24 hours a day. Here you can also check the information on bus tickets from Medellín to Pereira.

Schedules and prices from Pereira to Medellin

Flota Occidental00:45 05:15 06:45 08:15 09:15 10:20 12:15 15:15 17:45 19:15 20:45 22:45 23:45Pereira TerminalEmperor, Grand Emperor Elite, Luxury LineFrom $70,000
Arauca Company07:45 09:00 09:45 13:45 15:45 17:45 22:00Pereira TerminalSuper Star Star, Executive Service, Regional ServiceFrom $70,000
Flota Ospina05:00 05:05 08:30 09:30 14:30 15:30 16:30 17:30 18:30Pereira TerminalVanFrom $80,000

Departures from Pereira to Medellin

  • The first departure is at 00:45 hrs. by Flota Occidental
  • The last departure time is at 23:45 hrs. by Flota Occidental


The services of each bus company vary according to the route, ticket price and schedule, therefore within the same route you can select the type of seat and service that best suits you.

Map of the bus route from Pereira to Medellin

How much does the ticket from Pereira to Medellin cost?

The value of the cheapest bus ticket is $70,000 for Flota Occidental, and the highest price of the ticket is for the company Flota Ospina at $80,000

How to buy tickets from Pereira to Medellin?

You can buy the tickets for your trip from Pereira to Medellin at the ticket offices or agencies of the transport terminals and on the websites or call centers of each transport company that has this service enabled.

Tips for the bus trip from Pereira to MedellĂ­n

Buy your tickets for the route from Pereira to MedellĂ­n in advance and online since you will get the cheapest ticket and you will have the security of booking your ticket at the time you want. You can also avoid making long lines to buy your ticket from Pereira to MedellĂ­n at the terminal.