Buses from Bogotá to Garzón

The distance between Bogotá and Garzón is 426 km and the estimated travel time by bus is approximately 7 hours 30 minutes. The land trip between Bogotá and Garzón may vary depending on the bus stops on the route and the traffic conditions. The buses arrive at the Garzón Bus Terminal.


Distance426 km
average trip duration7 hours and a half
first bus06:30 a.m.
last bus9:15 p.m.
output frequency4 departures a day approx.
Lowest price$101,000
Highest price$101,000

Tickets and prices from Bogotá to Garzón

BusinessSchedules TerminalServicesPrice
Coomotor06:30 20:30Bogota TerminalNavette G7From $101,000
Coomotor07:15 21:15Bogota South TerminalNavette G7From $101,000

The schedules and prices may vary depending on the day and availability of tickets, in high season the rates can be increased by up to 15% or 20%. In many companies if you buy your ticket in advance you can find it at a cheaper price.

Map of the bus route from Bogotá to Garzón

How much does the ticket from Bogotá to Garzón cost?

The value of the bus ticket starts at $101,000 for the Coomotor company, which is the only bus company that currently makes this trip directly. You can buy tickets for your trip from Bogotá to Garzón at the ticket offices or agencies of the transport terminals, or you can purchase them on the websites or call centers of each transport company.