Girardot is a municipality in the department of Cundinamarca located in the Province of Alto Magdalena, of which it is the capital. It is located 134 km southwest of Bogotá. The average annual temperature is 27.8°C
Girardot is one of the most important cities in Cundinamarca due to its population, higher education centers, economy and urban extension. It is also one of the cities with the most influx of tourists and floating population in the country.
Transportation in Girardot
Santiago Vila Airport is the airport that provides service to the Girardot metropolitan area. It is located 3.1 km from Girardot in the municipality of Flandes, in the department of Tolima. The city has the Girardot´s Transportation Terminal from where the buses of Companies such as Expreso Bolivariano, Autofusa, Flota La Macarena, Flota San Vicente, Rápido el Carmen depart.
Routes and bus tickets from Girardot
Some of the bus routes from Girardot are:
Girardot to Bogotá
Girardot to Ibagué
Girardot to Melgar
How to get to Girardot by bus: schedules and bus routes
To get to Girardot by bus you can do it through these following routes:
Bogotá to Girardot
Ibagué to Girardot
Melgar to Girardot