The distance between Medellín and Armenia is 254 km and the estimated travel time by bus is approximately 6 hours. The overland trip from Medellin to Armenia may vary depending on the bus stops along the route and traffic conditions.
Distance | 254 km |
average trip duration | 6 hours |
first bus | 4:30 a.m. |
last bus | 11:30 p.m. |
Frequency | 20 departures a day approx. |
Lowest price | $80,000 |
Highest price | $80,000 |
Companies | Empresa Arauca, Flota Occidental |
Bus tickets from Medellin to Armenia
The passenger transport companies that carry out the route from Medellín to Armenia by bus are: Empresa Arauca and Flota Occidental. The types of bus and services of each company vary on each route, according to the price of the ticket and schedules.
Bus schedules and prices from Medellin to Armenia
Business | Schedules | Exit | Service | Price |
Empresa Arauca | 04:30 07:30 09:00 13:00 15:00 18:00 | South Terminal | Super Estelar | From $80,000 |
Flota Occidental | 04:30 06:00 07:30 10:30 12:00 15:30 17:30 19:30 21:30 23:30 | South Terminal | Emperor, Grand Emperor Elite | From $80,000 |
Schedules and prices may have variations depending on the day and availability of tickets, in high season the rates can be increased by up to 15% or 20%.
Bus timetables from Medellin to Armenia
- The first departure is at 04:30 hrs. by Empresa Arauca
- The last departure time is at 23:30 hrs. by Flota Occidental
Origin and destination terminals
- Place of Departure: Medellín Terminal
- Place of arrival: Armenia Terminal
Departure terminals in Medellin
There are 2 transport terminals in Medellin , which have bus departures to different areas of Colombia: The North Terminal of Medellin and the South Terminal of Medellin. You must bear in mind that each route has its departure terminal, although in some destinations you will find departures from both terminals.
For the Medellín to Aguachica route the departures are from: Medellin South Terminal
Arrival terminals in Armenia
The place of drop-off or arrival terminal is generally the main station or terminal of the destination city, however with some companies and routes you can set a drop-off point prior to the arrival terminal, for this route the arrival is at: Armenia Bus Terminal
Map of the bus route from Medellín to Armenia
How much does the bus ticket from Medellin to Armenia cost?
The value of the bus ticket ranges from $80,000 for Empresa Arauca to $80,000 for Western Fleet.
How to buy bus tickets from Medellin to Armenia?
You can buy tickets for your trip from Medellin to Armenia at the ticket offices or agencies of the transport terminals, or you can buy them on the websites or call centers of each transport company.