Buses to Puerto Gaitán, Meta

Do you need information about how to travel to or from Puerto Gaitán by bus?

Puerto Gaitán is a town and municipality in the Meta Department, Colombia.

Next you will be able to know the transport companies, schedules, tickets and buses with origin in Puerto Gaitán and with destination to Puerto Gaitán from other cities or municipalities in Colombia.

We suggest you contact the transport company to verify the information on schedules, routes and bus ticket values, since they can change depending on the season of the year.

Buses departing from Puerto Gaitán

Flota la Macarena
PUERTO GAITAN to:DeparturesPrice
BOGOTÁFrom 01:00 to 23:55 – every 1 hour aprox. From $48,000
CaquezaFrom 01:00 to 23:55 – every 1 hour aprox. From $36,000
LimoncitosFrom 01:00 to 23:55 – every 1 hour aprox. From $32,500
La Cristalina11:00 From $15,000
Orocue02:00 From $20,500
Puerto LopezFrom 01:00 to 23:55 – every 1 hour aprox. From $16,000
Planas11:00 From $25,000
VillavicencioFrom 01:00 to 23:55 – every 1 hour aprox. From $30,000

How to get to Puerto Gaitán by bus

If you want to get to Puerto Gaitán by bus, the main routes traveling there depart from:
