Do you need information about how to travel to or from San Carlos de Guaroa by bus?
San Carlos de Guaroa is a Colombian municipality located in the department of Meta in the north-center of the Department.
It is one of the smallest municipalities that the department has, it is made up of the alluvial plain that is the low and flat region, the relief, the low terraces and the drained terraces that are small winding channels with little depth, the average temperature is 30Âș C
San Carlos de Guaroa is located 89 kilometers from the departmental capital Villavicencio, with Puerto LĂłpez to the north and Castilla la Nueva (Meta) 60 kilometers to the east, Guamal and Acacias (Meta).
Next you will be able to know the transport companies, schedules, tickets and buses with origin in San Carlos de Guaroa and with destination to San Carlos de Guaroa from other cities or municipalities in Colombia.
We suggest you contact the transport company to verify the information on schedules, routes and bus ticket values, since they can change depending on the season of the year.
Buses departing from San Carlos de Guaroa
Flota la Macarena | ||
San Carlos de Guaroa to: | Departures | Price |
AcacĂas | 04:30 – 06:00 – 07:00 – 09:30 – 17:00 – 18:30 | From $12,000 |
Altamira | 14:00 | From $3300 |
BOGOTA | 04:30 – 07:00 – 14:00 | From $38,000 |
Caqueza | 04:30 – 07:00 – 14:00 | From $34,500 |
Montecarlo | 04:30 – 06:00 – 07:00 – 09:30 – 17:00 – 18:30 | From $18,500 |
Villavicencio | From 04:00 to 18:30 – every 1 hour. aprox.. | From $19,000 |
How to get to San Carlos de Guaroto by bus
To get to San Carlos de Guaroa by bus you can do it through these following routes: