Buses to San MartĂ­n, Cesar

Do you need information about how to travel to or from San MartĂ­n by bus?

San MartĂ­n is a municipality in Colombia, located in the department of Cesar. It is bordered to the west by the department of Santander, to the east by Norte de Santander, to the north by the municipalities of RĂ­o de Oro and Aguachica, and to the south by San Alberto. It was elevated to the category of municipality in 1983.

Next you will be able to know the transport companies, schedules, tickets and buses with origin in San MartĂ­n and with destination to San MartĂ­n from other cities or municipalities in Colombia.

We suggest you contact the transport company to verify the information on schedules, routes and bus ticket values, since they can change depending on the season of the year.

Buses departing from San MartĂ­n

Flota la Macarena
SAN MARTIN to:DeparturesPrice
AcacĂ­asFrom 03:00 to 23:30 – every 30 min. aprox. From $7000
BOGOTÁFrom 03:00 to 23:30 – every 30 min. aprox. From $31,500


From 00:01 to 23:30 – every 30 min. aprox. From $33,000


From 03:00 to 23:30 – every 30 min. aprox. From $19,500
GranadaFrom 00:01 to 23:30 – every 30 min. aprox. From $4000


From 03:00 to 23:30 – every 30 min. aprox. From $5500


 00:40 – 03:00 – 05:50 – 09:00 – 12:10 From $17,000


From 03:00 to 23:30 – every 30 min. aprox. From $19,500


 04:30 – 05:30 – 06:35 – 08:40 – 10:20 – 22:15 From $19,500


From 03:00 to 23:30 – every 30 min. aprox. From $13,000

Puerto Rico

 02:30 – 04:00 – 04:50 – 10:00 – 10:05 – 11:30 – 12:00 – 14:30 – 21:30 From $21,500

Puerto Lleras

From 00:01 to 23:30 – every 30 min. aprox. From $8500

San José del Guaviare

From 00:01 to 23:30 – every 30 min. aprox. From $34,000

San Juan de Arama

 From 03:40 to 22:50 – every 1 hour. aprox. From $13,000


From 03:00 to 23:30 – every 30 min. aprox. From $14,000

Vista Hermosa

 From 03:40 to 22:50 – every 1 hour. aprox. From $14,000

How to get to San MartĂ­n by bus

To get to San MartĂ­n by bus you can do it through these following routes:
