buses to aguachica colombia

Buses to Aguachica, Cesar

Do you need information to travel to or from Aguachica, Cesar, Colombia?

Next you will be able to know the transport companies, schedules, tickets and buses with origin or destination in Aguachica from other cities or municipalities of Colombia.

Aguachica is a municipality located in the northeast of Colombia, in the department of Cesar, being the second largest municipality in the department in terms of economy and population, and one of the most important urban centers in the region. The municipality is located in a strategic geographical position, being a point of connection between the north and the eastern interior of the country through, also having air, rail and parallel transportation with the Magdalena River waterway. More about Aguachica

Transportation in Aguachica

Terminal de Transporte de Aguachica S.A. has been serving the community since 1994 and up to the present, it is the transport terminal with the largest flow in the region; 29 destinations are dispatched daily during 24 hours. To reach the population of Aguachica, it can be accessed from the Colombian Caribbean Coast through the Santa Marta-Aguachica road that connects the departments of Magdalena and Cesar; From the south of the country it is reached through the Troncal del Magdalena Medio, or through the Bogotá-Bucaramanga-Aguachica road that connects the departments of Cundinamarca, Boyacá, Santander and Cesar.

Routes and bus tickets from Aguachica

From Aguachica you can travel to the following cities in Colombia:

Aguachica to BarranquillaCopetran and Expreso BrasiliaFrom 00:00 to 23:30 hrs every 1 hour aprox.
Aguachica to BogotáCopetran, Buses Omega and Expreso BrasiliaFrom 00:10 to 23:31 every 1 hour aprox.
Aguachica to BucaramangaCopetran and CotaxiFrom 00:05 to 22:50 every 30 minutes aprox.
Aguachica to CúcutaCopetran and Expreso Brasilia00:55 02:30 04:40 16:00 19:30 21:00 21:35 21:45 23:45
Aguachica to MedellínCopetran and Expreso Brasilia19:00 19:30 20:30 21:30 23:00 23:30 00:00 19:30

Bus routes to Aguachica:

Some of the main bus routes to travel to Aguachica are:

Barrancabermeja a Aguachica / Barranquilla to Aguachica / Bogotá to Aguachica / Bucaramanga to Aguachica / Buga to Aguachica / Cali to Aguachica /
Cartagena to Aguachica / Ciénaga to Aguachica / Cúcuta to Aguachica / Honda to Aguachica / Medellín to Aguachica / Montería to Aguachica / Tunja to Aguachica /
Sabanalarga to Aguachica / San Gil to Aguachica / Santa Marta to Aguachica / Valledupar to Aguachica